Our hourly rate is $65 with a two hour minimum. We'll quote your project to let you know what to expect and keep you posted on hours spent.
Our Premium Logo Package includes: several logo ideas from 3 accomplished designers, up to 3 rounds of revisions & tweeking, along with letterhead, envelope and business card layout using your brand new logo. ALL for an unheard of $1500.
We'll happily work with you and your company's budget. Contact Us for more information.
Who Are We?
We Are Graphic Artists, Designers, Web Developers, Writers & Marketing Professionals.
We have the skills necessary to rock your marketing world and more importantly we have the honesty, integrity, tenacity & resources to complete your project without any unnecessary bullshit.
We believe the importance of this cannot be overstated.
“Who steals my purse, steals trash, but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed.”
~William Shakespeare
Integrity is not simply what we strive for, but rather the principal that inspires us. More About Us...
Design on the Fly
For the fast & friendly service you deserve...
We know that one's personal best is a variable and no one can guarantee fast, clever and interesting design every time. What we can guarantee is 3 top-notch graphic artists working on your logo. With this approach, our clients get a varied and inspired selection from 3 accomplished artists and never run the risk of getting stuck with that one artist who's hitting a dry spell. We've done LOTS of Logos...
Marketing that Works for You
Because it shouldn't be the other way around...
Your marketing materials should make your life easier. IF they don't, perhaps it's time for change. See our Basic Rates or Contact Us for more information.
Remember: We're not happy until you're not happy.